Check Status of your Traffic e-Challan Online


Traffic police will catch you for rash driving but also cameras on the streets are watching you if you break any traffic rule you have to pay challan. You will get the challan

directly at your home if you caught for breaking any traffic rule whether is it signals jump, weaves through traffic, or over speed. Here in this article today we people are going to provide you all the information related to e-Challan Status and relevant information such as the procedure to submit challan, the procedure to check challan status and other relevant information.

E Challan Payment

Challan is a payment which citizens of the country have to pay if they break any traffic rule as per the guidelines issued by the traffic department. Till now this payment is to be made by the citizens in specific places but as the technology becomes advanced the government of India has launched an online challan payment portal known as “E-Challan – Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution”.

What Is E-Challan?

E-Challan is a modern programming application containing an Android-based portable application and web interface. The e-challan is produced to give a thorough answer for Transport Enforcement Officers and Traffic Policemen. This application is incorporated with Vahan and Sarathi applications. It also provides an abundance of features while covering every single significant usefulness of Traffic Enforcement System. The E-challan was inaugurated a few days back to give challans to the people on the official app of the government. This will not only save paper cost but also give a wider scope to the process.

Objective Of E-challan

The Government of India wants to make payment of challan process easier and less hectic for the citizens of the country. Till now the citizens of India who has to pay challan have to go to the concerned office and wait for long outside the office to submit the fine. As this e-challan method will start, this fine submission process will become easier for the payers.

Procedure to Check E- Challan Status

Applicants have to follow the further stated steps to check the e-challan status:

-To check the status of e-challan applicants need to go to the official website of E-Challan – Digital Traffic/Transport Enforcement Solution

-From the home page of the website, you need to click “check challan status” option from menu bar.


-A new web page will appear on the screen where you need to chose “Challan Number” or “vehicle Number” or “DL Number”

-Thereafter enter the chosen information and then enter captcha code shows on the screen

-Click “get details” option and your challan related information will appear on the screen

-Now after that click on the Pay Now option.

-After that Choose your desired option to pay your challan fine.

-Now after the successful payment generate the Challan Receipt online.

E- Challan Payment Mode

Applicants can pay challan through both online and offline mode. Here are the steps you need to follow to deposit challan:

Online Method

There are two ways to pay traffic police e- challan through online mode. First one is via the official website of the department and another one is via number online payment module.

Method I

-To pay challan you need to go to the official website of the traffic police of your state

-Go to the e-challan option under the services section

-Now click on it and a new page will appear on the screen

-Enter the vehicle number or challan number (Notice you received)

-Now click search detail option and your challan related information will appear.

-Click pay option and make payment via debit or credit card

Method II

-Open your Paytm mobile application or website of Paytm

-Thereafter you need to click more option

-Then go to the other services section

-Select the “challan” option

-Select the traffic authority name

-Enter challan number

-Click “proceed” and make payment of challan.

Offline Method

You have to go to the nearest police station to make payment of challan through offline mode.

If you don’t pay the traffic e challan?

If you do not pay the traffic e challan then you have to face the legal consequences. A summon will be sent by the court to your residential address as the licence holder and after that, you will be called to the court and asked to give the explanation to the judge about not following the traffic rules. If you don’t visit the court after being called and pay the traffic e challan then your driving licence can be suspended. So always remember to pay your E-Challan.

Received a wrong e-challan

As you all know that if you break traffic rules then with the help of cameras your vehicle number will be identified and you have to pay challan. But sometimes due to some error in the technology the cameras cannot read properly the vehicle number and because of this reason a message to pay challan has been sent to the wrong person. If you have received a message to pay challan and you haven’t broken any rule then by following the the steps given below you can cancel the challan

If you have wrongly received a message to pay challan then you can contact the traffic police helpline number and inform them regarding it.

You can also send an email to the traffic police. After verifying the traffic police will cancel the challan.

For cancelling the challan you are not required to pay any fees

The traffic police also shares a format through social media in which a procedure has been told to file a complaint if a person has received the wrong challan.

NOTE :-  The above content for "EDUCATIONAL PURPOSE ONLY. The changes regarding e-challan of Traffic violations might be regulated according to STATES rules and regulations. Kindly check respective STATE's guidelines to know accurate details of FINES, Rules and et all..


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