Driving Test in Kerala: Kerala Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) has made several major changes in the rules of driving test. According to this new rule, now driving license applicants will have to give real life driving test.


Driving Test in Kerala: Kerala Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) has made several major changes in the rules of driving test. According to this new rule, now driving license applicants will have to give real life driving test.

Driving License rule: Now it will be even more difficult to get a driving license in Kerala. Because Kerala Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) has made many major changes in the rules of driving test. Even the applicants will now have to give a real life driving test. That means you will have to prove your driving skills by driving in busy traffic. Apart from this, some other changes have also been made in the test rules.

What are the new driving test rules?

Recently the order was issued by Kerala Motor Vehicles Department (MVD). According to which, it will now be mandatory for driving license applicants to give a driving test on an actual busy road. Apart from this, the department has made many tests like angular parking, parallel parking, zig-zag driving mandatory.

Moreover, in this circular the applicants will have to undergo the gradient test before taking the ‘H’ test. Let us tell you that this rule will be applicable for both new driving license applicants or those who are renewing it. This provision has been added in the new rules that no car more than 15 years old will be used for driving test.

Electric and automatic cars will not be included:

According to this rule, during the test, only those vehicles whose engine capacity will be 95 cc or above will be included in the  two-wheeler segment. Apart from this, electric and automatic cars will not be included in the four-wheeler driving test. According to this new rule, it will be mandatory to install dashboard camera and vehicle location tracking device (GPS) in testing vehicles.

The driving instructor present on the spot will have to record the driving test, for which he will also have to keep a memory cord with him. This recording will be transferred to the MVD system. Not only this, it will also be mandatory for the applicant taking the driving test to keep the memory cord with him as a copy of the recording for the next 3 months.

Driving School Association protested:

Recently, Kerala Motor Driving School Instructors and Workers Association had challenged this circular in the Kerala High Court. But the court rejected their petition. In fact, the association is considering these new changes as challenging. Several driving school associations, including unions affiliated with the Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC), Center of Indian Trade Unions (CITU) and All Kerala Driving School Owners Association, have boycotted driving tests across the state and gone on strike. However, it will be interesting to see whether this new rule issued by the Kerala Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) is applicable in the entire country or not.


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