Traffic Challan: Despite having DL, RC and insurance, if you do not have this certificate, your challan will be deducted


Traffic Challan: Despite having DL, RC and insurance, if you do not have this certificate, your challan will be deducted

Traffic Challan: At present, most people have a car. But a car alone is not enough, along with the car, many certificates are also needed. If you do not have even one of these certificates, the traffic police can issue a challan to you. This includes driving license,  insurance and vehicle registration certificate, but apart from this, there is another certificate, due to the absence of which the traffic police can issue a challan to you. In this news, we are telling you about 4 such documents, due to the absence of which you can suffer a loss of thousands. This loss will be incurred when a challan is issued and the traffic police will not rest until they recover your money.

Driving License (DL)

Driving license is a document that guarantees that a person knows how to drive. You need a driving license to drive. If you drive without a driving license, you may have to pay a fine. Under the Motor Vehicle Act, this document should always be kept with you.

Registration Certificate (RC)

Many times people get a traffic challan because they do not have the RC of their vehicle. RC means registration certificate. This is the certificate that gives information about the registration of your vehicle. Every vehicle has a registration number. If you do not have this number, then the traffic police can issue you a challan, which will have to be paid in thousands.

 Insurance Policy

It is very important to have an  insurance policy while driving. If you think that you do not need  insurance, then it is not so. You will definitely have to get insurance, if you do not get it done then you will definitely get a challan. The duration of an insurance policy is 1 year, after which it is necessary to renew the policy.

Pollution Under Control Certificate (PUCC)

Apart from driving license, RC and insurance policy, there is another certificate which is very important in the vehicle. And that certificate is Pollution Under Control Certificate, which is also very important. Even if this certificate is not available, the traffic police can issue a challan. Currently, Rs 100 has to be paid for PUCC. The validity of this certificate is different in different states.

How much will the challan be?

If you do not have a Pollution Under Control Certificate, the traffic police can issue you a challan. If you are caught without a PUC certificate for the first time, you will be fined Rs 1000 and if you are caught for the second time, you will be fined up to Rs 2000.


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